Friday 1 September 2017

Shallots For Haircare? YES

Yes you heard it talking about ingredients like shallots, a common, day to day ingredient which is nowhere near to the expense of you entire haircare products that you have been using till now.
While you have been busy getting parlour treatments and rounds at dermatologist,I have got you covered with some easy haircare information which is not only going to help you with your existing hair issues but also simple ideas to enhance your hair condition.
Lets be honest, one of the major problem faced by both men and women regarding is baldspot. It can  be due to hereditary, stress, lack of sleep, lack of fiber, and the list goes on. another crucial reason can be usage of hair products, hair accessories or unfavorable or too tight hairstyles along with harsh chemicals and heat ( we all are guilty here).


Shallots promote hair growth.. It is high in sulfur content,  which can improve your bloodcirculation strengthening the hair resulting in low hair fall.
Shallots induces  the growth of new hair, treating baldspots ( make sure your pores on scalp of your baldspot is not dead or sleeping pore can never grow new hair).
Shallots can also help in case of fungal infections on scalp which gives way to dandruff, breakouts,itchiness and even smelly helps to open up the clogged pores of the hair follicles it keeps dandruff away.


For Baldspots:

Peel up some fresh and clean shallots. Make a paste of the shallots to exact the juice. Apply the juice on your bald-spot using your fingers or a cotton pad and leave it for 20-30 minutes. Wash it off thoroughly with your regular shampoo, I personally would suggest that go for two round of cleansing so that the smell and residue can go ( these would be the residue since all the goodness would be absorbed by the scalp)
If you're someone with dry hair or hair prone to breakage or damage or treated then you can use shallots juice mixed with coconut oil of 1:1 ratio and massage it for 10 mins before leaving it to dry followed by cleansing through shampoo.

For smooth and healthy hair:

Peel up some fresh and clean shallots. Make a paste of the shallots to exact the juice. Mix shallot juice with buttermilk or regular milk of your choice.  For addition, you can add an egg or a ripe avocado. Make a smooth paste and apply on your hair section wise starting from root to ends thoroughly. Let it dry from 20-30 minutes. Wash it off  with shampoo.

For fungal infection/dandruff:

Peel up some fresh and clean shallots. Make a paste of the shallots to exact the juice. Mix lemon juice with onion juice and yogurt for thickness to hold the paste with the ratio of 1:1:2 respectively. Apply the paste concentrating on the roots of the hair follicles majorly. Let it dry for 20-30 minutes and wash it off thoroughly with an anti-dandruff shampoo.


-Its not a magic, spare some time of 3-4 weeks to notice visible results.
-For best results apply 3 times a week according to the intensity of your issue.
-Avoid harming your face and eyes.
-Consult before usage.
-It is important to consider how same product might not work equally for all. we all are differently crafted by the almighty. give it some time, have patience.
-It is important to consider other things such as lifestyle, habit, etc for more effective result.
-The most important thing is to accept yourself and others, the way they are rather constantly trying to focus on outer beauty. your body gives out what you give in, so proper nutrition, sleep, hydration as well as mental health is crucial.
- And lastly we all are beautiful.

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